Tuesday 22 November 2011

Ruckzuckfit: First franchised location with a new interior design

The figure in the franchise-operated studio Ruckzuckfit chain will
open in September, a new location in the Saarland melting. As the
company has announced that it is the first location where a new store
concept is used.
The interior design of Ruckzuckfit Studios in collaboration with a
shop construction company completely revamped. In addition to a high
recognition value the new design should also provide for an improved

atmosphere in the studios. To allow for alternative financing, new
franchisees to set up and fitness equipment lease in the future too.
Franchisee for the studio in melting the couple's Manfred and Gabi
tax. Manfred tax has already been licensed since October 2009 as a
trainer for the nutrition method LOGI. "Since the Ruckzuckfit LOGI
method works, I was immediately excited by the concept," says the
47-year tax.
The training is based on a concept of Ruckzuckfit supervised circuit
training and is directed only at women. 30 minutes exercise three
times a week, according Ruckzuckfit provide for improved fit and more
comfort. The first studio was opened in 2004 Ruckzuckfit Coswig. Today
there are about 20 times Ruckzuckfit in Germany. Ruckzuckfit learn
more about the virtual booth of the company, here in the franchise
portal - simply click on the company logo on the right.

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